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DeepSea Panels (DSE Genset) DSE Electronics

Industry leading Generators and ATS Control Modules.

We carry an extensive inventory and train our clients and local network on

Deep Sea Panels for

FG Wilson, Mitsubishi and SR Power Generators

DSEGenset® is an intelligent range of single-set and multi-set generator control solutions, mains (utility) protection relays, lighting tower control solutions, digital automatic voltage regulators (AVR's), remote communications devices and expansion modules. Each range has been designed and manufactured by industry leading experts to deliver a range of features and benefits that set new standards across the industry. 

Here are some of them in our warehouse at Miramar, Florida, where we not only carry an extensive inventory but we provide support and training.

Click on the button below to review the DSE Electronics Product Guide and contact us at for quotes and detailed information.

Deep Sea Electronics Video Library


Deep Sea Electronics DSE4520 MKII Control Panel Tutorial - Events Log

Deep Sea Electronics DSE4520 MKII Control Panel Tutorial - Engine Hours Run

Deep Sea Electronics DSE4520 MKII Control Panel Tutorial - kWhrs Run

Where to find remote/auto start connections on the Deep Sea Electronics DSE4520 Control Panel

Where to find remote/auto start connections on the Deep Sea Electronics DSE7410 Control Panel

Where to find remote/auto start connection wires on the Deep Sea Electronics DSE7320 Control Panel


Panel de control Deep Sea Electronics DSE4520 MKII - Registro de Eventos

Panel de Control Deep Sea Electronics DSE4520 MKII - Horas de Operacion

Panel de Control Deep Sea Electronics DSE4520 MKII - kW horas

Adjuste del Tiempo de Enfriamiento o "Cooling Down Timer" en un Deep Sea Electronics DSE 7410 MKII

Configuración​ de la topología del sistema AC en el tablero Deep Sea Elecronics DSE 7320 MKII

Rápido acceso para modificar la fecha y la hora en el Tablero Deep Sea Electronics DSE 7320 MKII

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